Jack loved walking around a new mall, the hardwoods at Aunt Lindsey and Uncle T-Bird's house were easy to navigate, but he had a blast shopping at a toy store that Lindsey wanted to take him to. There was a shopping cart just his size, and he flew up and down the aisles filling it with goodies. The lucky guy got treated to the goodies by Aunt Lindsey, and played with his new toys before and after dinner, this morning, and some more when we got home. As you can see below, Jack knew just what to pick out for himself.

This morning, Lindsey made pancakes for everyone. Jack was nice enough to leave a few for us.
Thank you for my Jack fix. It looks like Jack had a great time with Aunt Lindsey and Uncle T-bird.
Im famous!!
Glad Jack and you guys were able to visit. Im not sure who had a better time, Jack or his Aunt and Uncle.
Glad to hear about the trip to Boston (aren't the Duck Tours fun!?!) and that the cold is better! Jack is really growing up! xxoo to all from the Kirbys
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