Jack has been feeding himself for quite awhile now. He will take food out of Daddy's hands, but that's it. And he won't eat anything with a gooey or liquid-like texture. He has a limited diet, and he cannot be fooled.
Tonight he was eating the usual: Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. But he did something spectacular: he picked up his little fork, stabbed a few macaroni noodles on it, and then put the fork in his mouth! Mommy was amazed when she saw this happen, but even more so when the fork came out of Jack's mouth with no more food on it! She cheered loudly and clapped, and Jack was proud of his new ability. So, he kept shoveling the macaroni in his mouth - with his fork, of course.
What a smart boy - it shouldn't be that hard to teach him to hold the fork right side up. But we'll take baby steps.
WOW! Jack, that is amazing! Already using a fork - very, very impressive!
Maybe Jack will start eating more now.
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