Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Love is in the air

There are no pictures to post, but lots to tell. Jack has been sick with a cold, and it kept him on the DL for 24 hours or so. Now, he is all better!

On Saturday he went to Krispy Kreme to watch Uncle T-Bird run in the Krispy Kreme Challenge! It was a fantastic day on may counts: he got to consume one of his favorite foods (doughnuts if you weren't aware), he was there to support his partner on the b-ball court (Tom), and then his Aunt Lindsey took him to Marbles! So the weekend could not get any better, right?

Wrong! On Sunday, Jack attended a birthday party for one of his good friends from school. The weather was oddly beautiful for February, so he and his buddies alternated between running outside and in. There were chocolate cupcakes, and presents for the birthday boy (which Jack "accidentally" helped him to open).

Now, our household is gearing up for Valentine's Day. Jack will be getting a few treats, we just hope he isn't disappointed when he doesn't receive the Transformer set he's been requesting (don't get any ideas Aunts or grandmas).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy valentine's Day Jack! I love you. Will you be my Valentine?