Monday, March 09, 2009

Words to come...

While visiting Mimi and Papa, Jack got to see Julianna again (perfectly posed for the camera) and meet Ansley Claire (he has since referred to her as the "cute baby"). Stephanie has the sweetest girls, and we are glad we got to catch up with Jessica, too!
Yet another snow day!
Jack is playing soccer for the first time! He likes being on a team, and he has the best coach, ever.

Mommy's cute soccer player, and his cute coach is pictured in the background (Jack's Daddy is his coach in case you didn't know!)


Jessica said...

You should just let Jack write the blog. He can write, right? He doesn't seem to have a problem finding clever and hilarious things to say. On that note, maybe I should let Lydia own ours.

Glad we got to see you. Can't wait to see you next trip!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Cutest little guy I have ever seen! I hope to come and see a game sometime! Auntie Hayley

Anonymous said...

What a cute soccer player!!

Leslie said...

I hate it we missed seeing you the other week! Jack is getting so grown up! Just look at him playing soccer!